
Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Travel List : Where should I go?

2011 is coming up in a about a day or so, depending on where your coordinate is on the map. Hehe. I still don't have much thought on my 2011 travel list. Actually come to think of it, there are a lot of places that I have pre-planned to go but it all boils down to timing and money. Hmm...

Nevertheless, I do hope I can make my annual visit to Borneo possible again for the third time in a row(starting from 2009) with my awesome travel buddy FF. Oh FF should have a website of her own dot com coming up this new year and I'm pretty excited to see what she'll have in store at her blog soon.

Oh well, I have the whole year of next year to think about places I should be visiting and traveling so yeah, I'm not going to come up with a travel list just yet. On the other hand, do you have a bucket list of travel places that you have in mind for next year, 2011? If so, where are going?

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