Vibram Five Fingers
From what I've gathered the Vibram Five Fingers KSO :
- like I've mentioned earlier, allow you to exercise with the feeling of barefoot. If you must know, barefoot running is the 'in thing' today.
- the KSO (Keep stuff out) has a thin upper surface for better breathability and of course to keep stuffs like dirt out from your feet. Just imgaine the Vibram Five Fingers simply as a hygienic version of a barefoot.
- it is made of Vibram's TCI Performance rubber for a better grip during your workout.
- it is entirely washable in the washing machine. So this is a big plus for yet another clean feel of 'barefoot workout '.
- it is durable, very light and suitable for most activities including trekking, hiking, climbing, bouldering, running, yoga/pilates and also traveling.
Field test of the Vibram Five Fingers:
However, do note that the Vibram Five Fingers KSO may not be suitable for everyone because if you think you won't be comfortable working out or going around on barefoot, this shoe isn't going to be the right choice for you. Then again, it takes a little bit of time of getting used to wearing this shoe. I believe it is a brilliant idea to get most people working out on their feet because not all shoes are designed for all kind of feet and since it is claimed that barefoot running is really good for you, this Vibram shoe will hopefully get you started with barefoot running in the future.
To get your own Vibram Five Fingers KSO, click here to purchase it from
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