
Friday, June 08, 2007

Water...water....My PRECIOUS!

Eh ya'all...

I still haven't bathe since early this morning lar...Hehe..

You see, somehow or rather, there was no water AT ALL early this morning. Only a few drops of water came out from the tap and I only managed to share a bottle and a half of mineral water with another housemate. I also had to wash my face only when I reached the office. Hehe.

It's already 8 ish pm, I'm still here in the office and there's no sign of going back home just yet. It's nice hanging out in here. Cool, queit and I can get other nonsense done and have a great time.

I need to seriously shower though. No amount of perfume will make me feel comfortable under my skin. Haha.


  1. weh..p la mandi umah kawan2...busuk lahhhhhhhhh

  2. 'my precious...'..hahaha.mcm gollum daa..(LOTR).
    -water is essential!
