
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun things you should do during lights out or what we call it as Earth Hour!

A couple of  fun things you should do during lights out or what we seemed to be calling it as Earth Hour these days where it is a day, celebrated world wide, where you are suppose to turn off the lights and other unnecessary electrical appliances for a good one hour. If you are looking to have fun during this precious Earth hour, here are the fun things that you can do :

1. If you are with friends and family, pick up a guitar and play tunes you like and sing aloud with the group. If you have a piano, you guys can literally start a jamming session and it will be more fun if someone can bring along the drum sets, bass guitars, etc.

2. When I was a kid and that was back in the early 90's, there were many occasions of a total blackout for hours in Malaysia. Yes, lights out was a norm back then. So we kids always entertain ourselves under the 'dark hours' playing those shadow games, trying to make birds or any objects with our hands and started a role play. If you are an adult, it is still fun to play these hand shadow games because you can play around with some kinky 18SX shadow games with your partner and friends. Haha. Excellent idea right?

3. Make love. No need for further explanation on this one. :)

4. Get out of the house and start star gazing and look up at the sky. Check out if you can spot a plane, bats, the different signs of the dotted stars you can make out, provided there is a clear sky and no overcast.

5. I don't know lighting up lanterns and candles are a good idea because you are still burning little fumes out of those right? And we are talking about Earth Hour and aren't you suppose to pollute less of the Earth during this time? Hmm.. So instead, why don't you  try doing something crazy like have dinner in the dark. No candles, zero light. Pure darkness and see if you can really experience and savour those good tasting dish you have whipped up. It's about really tasting your food by the bite and enjoy them to bits.

6. You can start a pillow fight and play chase or truth or dare games. Aha, the truth or dare game sounds really interesting and fun. You never know what you are going to end up doing in the dark. :)

That's pretty much it on a couple of  fun things you can and should do during lights out - Earth Hour. If you are planning to celebrate Earth Hour like the rest of other people ( I know I'm not right now ...haha , it's 20 minutes in the Earth Hour in Malaysian now), what and how will you be doing  or celebrating during that 1 hour of darkness?

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