
Friday, January 07, 2011

Today I learn about creating goals the proper and SMART way

It is the starting of the year and many bloggers started publishing articles on their goals for 2011. Well most of them had the 'goal post' up right before new year to share their goals with their readers. Today, I came across the same  kind of "My Goals For 2011" article by one of my favourite blogger, Pat Flynn. He's more than just a blogger really. Check him out if  here you are interested to learn more about what he does for living.

Anyway, today I learn about creating goals the proper and SMART way. Thanks to Pat for sharing with me the SMART ways for goal creation. The SMART goals are broken down to these:

S -  Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Timely

The S.M.A.R.T should be your general guideline in creating any kind of goals that you may have in this life (career, financial, life, etc). If you ever wonder, myself included on why goals I've set out last year were never met, it was because I realized that there were hard to attain, not specific and not measurable. I'm certainly going to draft up a proper goal creation for this year and with lots of focus and determination, let's work for my goals and may all of them be achievable this year.

In case you are wondering and still thinking of some goals to pursuit this year, remember SMART and make that as your base guideline for your goals.

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