
Friday, January 29, 2010

Putting 'quality content only' posts into the trash!

Hey peeps,

Okay I admit that previously I was bragging about putting on more thoughts for a quality content in  my posts; guess what, all those things I've said are up for trash. Haha. Well at least just for today though. I'm currently facing one of those connection hiccups and I'm racing against time before this internet connection goes way to slow which means I can't load up my WP page.

Anyways, I've been meaning to write a post about a little mangrove park over at my place but I'm going to let pictures do all the writing and with this kind of internet connection, I can kiss that thought goodbye for tonight. Hence, I'm just putting up a trashy post for now just to keep up with my at least three posts a week regime. Haha.

In case you are reading my posts from Facebook, thanks for reading and guys, drop a comment or two right at the comment button. I know some of you tend to leave a comment right under the link at my Facebook which is okay and great. But, think about it, if you post your comments over at this site, other people get to see your piece of thought or comment too. Sharing is caring, no? =p

Okay peeps. Gotta stop here before this laptop starts acting up with more of its annoying antiques. Til better posts to come!


  1. sharing is sexxxaayyy! ok ok im just being extra flirtatious :D

  2. yea u are being super flirtatious. wassup gal?=p
