If you are finding yourself gasping for air after a short time of running or ascending hiking, you may want to try out the proper breathing technique for your run or hike. So, how is it done?
It works simply by following the standard 3:2 ratio of breathing where it is a 3 deep inhale for the first 3 steps and 2 slow exhale for the next 2 steps and repeat. As you get used to this 3:2 breathing technique, you can see yourself running or hiking steadily but most importantly you will be relaxed and are able to keep a constant pace or momentum throughout your run or hike.
Do note that the way you breathe differs from one individual to the other and following the 3:2 breathing ratio may be difficult for first timers. I know that very well because initially, I did find it hard to get used to the 3 deep breathe with 2 exhale and at the end found myself gasping and panting even harder than before. If that is the case with you, you can vary your breathing to 3:3 breathing ratio and alternately changing to 3:2 ratio later on during your run. For fast running or sprint, most runners implement the 2:1 breathing ratio while most elite long distance runners do the 2:2 breathing ratio throughout their miles of running.
It is also vital to know that good breathing techniques particularly as I have recommended which is deep breathing may help your body to function well and efficiently. It works quite simply by making your body more oxygenated. Enough oxygen in your blood cells help to process more energy for your body to function better especially during strenuous long run or hill/mountain ascent. Moreover, deep breathing can give you a calming effect during your run or even your daily life and it is the easiest fix for stress.
Keep on practicing and working on your breathing techniques to build your overall stamina and performance. It is also very much recommended to breathe (inhale and exhale) using your nose instead of using your mouth and nose because nose breathing helps to filter impurities from the air and regulate the body temperature. Will that all said, never take your breathing technique for granted because if you get the technique right, it will do wonders in your running or ascending hiking performance.
I found training in a swimming pool while performing these breathing tips helps out a lot as well. Submerging most of your chest and running will prove a challenge when trying to maintain proper breathing. I wrote an article about it as well, let me know what you think!