
Saturday, March 13, 2010

When you have so much to write about, you ended up writing nothing.

I've been having series of ideas flowing into my head since the past couple of weeks but the worse part of all is, I never come around writing them. The most I've done is to write down titles of topics that I should be writing for this blog and it just stopped there. Just mere titles and no articles.

Right now I'm just going to write up this post and publish it in between myself writing another Travel/ Outdoor Adventure post in this blog. I reckon it's best to put up a post to fill up the gap I've been making for not publishing anything for the past couple of days, or has it been weeks already now? Erk...

To add on a wee bit on this post, let's just talk about the weather.

The weather has been insanely hot and humidity is high all the time. It has been going on for a month or so that way not until yesterday where things started to get better. It rained heavily and it was pretty much a thunderstorm. For the first time after what has been a long time,I found myself searching blindly for my blanket last night. It was chilly last night and that's a great sign that the weather is going to be back to normal soon. At the time of writing, it just started to rain a little bit with some noise of thunder. If the weather forecast I'm seeing from Yahoo! Weather is correct, thunderstorm is expected through out the weekend too. Yay!

Oh well, that's enough updates for now. Praying for more interesting posts, good weather, good health and more money to come! Hope you guys will stick around for more updates in Yasz pretty soon! =)

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