
Monday, January 22, 2007

This is fun!!

It is a whole lot of fun when:

1. I get to merayap and merayap and merayap until I can't do it any more.
2. I get to go mamaking with a bunch of old friends just laughing away and talk on crappies we used to have during those days and talking about our career life.
3. I get to hit a pail and left myself with an infected open wound for weeks and I get to blame the pail owner for my injuries. Haha.
4. I get to go to the movies at night or enjoy late night movies on almost every week.
5. I get to be myself by acting crazy in the office and I don't give shit if you like it or not. Haha.
6. I get to live by my principal of "Flirting is not a crime" with new people who have met me...That's the most interesting part really..haha...
7. I always have friends to help me when I need help. Thanks guys...
8. I get to meet new people and learn a lot every day.

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