
Monday, December 07, 2009

This is one Boring post you don't want to read!

Like what the title says, it's a heads up and a friendly reminder of what's coming in this post.  I'll be very surprise if you are still reading this line. Hehe.

Here goes...

I went through my drawers to clear tonnes of things out and I found a golden envelope with my 23rd Birthday card still in tact inside it. It looked like I just got the card like  a  couple of weeks ago, but no. It aged 3 years back. I finally stopped being nostalgic and hanging on to old cards and papers but there was one thing I could not let go of. I felt that I can connect with it and it's worth to keep it close with me.

It's actually a bookmark given by one of my friends during that 23rd birthday of mine. Sadden to say that now, at the present time, I have no what-so-ever relationship with the person who had sincerely and thoughtfully chosen the bookmark for me. Oh well, people come and go, some stay, some just realised we can never get along anymore so we moved on and leave. But what I wanted to share here is about the writings that is printed on this bookmark.

The bookmark is one of those 'uplifting thoughts' bookmarks. Hey, that's what it says at the back of it. Well, it has a short but very 'uplifting thoughts' in term of a writing at the front of the bookmark. It's entitled, " Don't Quit". I'm going to write the short words out verbatim here and see if you can reflect it back on your life now. I feel that you can keep yourself motivated by the words.

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low, and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,and you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems a far.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest's when things go wrong that you MUSTN'T QUIT.

So guys, if you feel like quitting, don't. If you have a goal or a dream, never quit to make it happen. Just make it work. Failure is like a bug or error that is made to be fixed. Once you've fixed the final error, you're good to go and there will come success!

Oh yeah, that's the end of one hella boring post. Glad you stick around until this last sentence. =)


  1. was gonna quit reading ur boring post until it comes to the part about not quitting .. lol ..

  2. Thank God for not making you 'quit reading' the whole post. =)

  3. reading ur entry rasa macam energetic kejap ..
    tq :)

  4. Odin! I'm very glad the post helped to 'energize' u! n you are most welcome!
