
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Loathing moment

By this Sunday, I'll be officially working for two months at this place. The amount of productivity gained since stepping foot in here is close to nothing. Oh hang on.

I have successfully learnt to be an English editor for the project documentation and once in a while, I have learnt to be the secretary by jotting down minutes of a meeting. How 'awesome' is that!!

How about my skills in Java programming? I've learnt nothing much on that. Just on theory on most J2EE stuffs. Other than that, I've always been doing a daily RnD on SAP, sometimes ABAP. Hmm...what the heck right.

I am seriously contemplating on my career path being here at this place. I'm trying hard to be patient and wait if there shall be any progress by mid year. If the chances are again close to none, I should consider moving on else where.

It is not worth it to be here for the whole one year tenure by gaining nothing. Doing documentation is not part of a career path to be a skilled Java programmer. It doesn't help the least bit.

I'm certainly not happy about this and I'm not hiding it from my superior too. Who bloody cares if it really shows how bored I am with this so-called position I have. I'm always honest and hell yeah, this job simply sucks big time.

I also wonder if this has always been the case with other software house in Malaysia? Is the situation really this bad that most programmers end up spending months and months of solely doing documentation. No wonder we can never compete with those expert Indian programmers.

This is sad. I am not happy about this.

But on the other hand, on the brighter side of things, I get to really sit down and think on what I really want to do and gain in my career. It has given me time to really study up, research on possible career path in the future. I am currently eyeing to break into the SAP/ Oracle job market. I'm learning everyday on what are they really all about because all that I know, the market is huge for both SAP and Oracle. If it is not that big in Malaysia, it surely is big elsewhere besides Malaysia.

The end and I'm counting minutes to swipe my access card for home.

P.S: I have to be at work before 7.45am tomorrow just so that I can attend that compulsory breakfast session at the office. Heck!;(


  1. compulsory breakfast session? apakah itu.....

  2. yea..we got lotsa session around here.once there was coffee session, now breakfast...they should have like 3 times free meals next time too..hahahaha..
    i'm here at 7.35am...i should be going for 'breakkie'..will story more on it later...

  3. I used to work in two software houses before (one of which was for my industrial training) doing both hardcore Java programming and PHP web programming, among other things.

    Both sux big time in terms of mental & social health. If u ask me, I'd get out of it, very soon!

  4. Yes it is time for a change if you have been doing documentation for one year. There is a whole new world of interesting software development out there.
