
Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Look Good In A Passport Photo

How to look good in a passport photo eh?

The answer to that is a 50-50 chance that you'll turn out good or bad. If you are having a bad hair day and you still decided to snap the photo anyway, the chance is of course you'll have the worse photo ever and maybe you need to have a retake. Ouch, what a waste.

I've found a couple of tips over the internet certainly useful in order for you to get the best photo for your passport.
Here are the few things that I could remember and I think will work:

1. If you haven't had a haircut for months, go do that and make sure your hair stylist do a really good job and march to the photo studio right after your done with the hair.

2. Make sure you communicate with your photographer. Some of them are more keen to snap a picture of you, crop, print, ask for your money right away. Good photo studios will snap a couple of pictures with the camera, show you the pictures and you can decide to choose (or they will suggest) on the best pictures. After that, they will take the time to crop and probably do a little editing (just for brightness and probably contrast of the picture) and then they will print. If ended up with a lousy photographer, I doubt you can hope much on getting a well decent looking picture.

3. If you think you don't need a haircut because you still look okay and you have no bad hair day whatsoever, then do make time to spruce yourself a little bit just before you head to the photo studio. Going straight to the photo studio right after you were running out errands under the hot sun, looking all oily and sweaty, is not really a good idea.

4. Last but not least, this is something I'd like to add up myself. Go to the photo studio with a good spirit. Haha. With a good, happy and positive mindset, you'll have a good time and hopefully the photographer will capture the best photos for you and everyone shall be happy.

If all things fail and you think you have a lousy photo for the passport, don't hesitate to retake those photos again. You don't want to get stuck with the same not so nice photo on your passport for years to come. Happy taking photos and hope it'll turn out great or at least looking decently nice for you.

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