
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What's new at Money Making Blogger?

I guess I'm pretty much caught up in researching for keywords and making a list of them so that I can use up keywords in each of my future post. Besides that, I'm also 'discovering' everything new about be it it's Widgets, Plugins, hard coding things on my theme editor, checking out on my server stats, checking on my error stats and stuffs like that.

I've been literally browsing through the list at 'Marketplace' almost like everyday and hopefully today I'll get an idea on what and which  I should work on with. On the other hand, I'll be working on other sites too and I can't wait to see how that go as well.

And oh, my mentors for now are any Internet Entrepreneurs like Gobala Krishnan, Yaro Starak, Darren Rowse and also Karen Cheng because I just love checking out on her cute baby, Sean.

Peeps, do come back every now and then and see how this site progresses! Toodles for now.


  1. i like checking out karen cheng's latest edition, baby Liam. haha!

  2. I do too! Liam is such a cutie!!!!
